Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Christmas, 2012

I haven't posted in forever...I have been a busy little bee getting ready for Miss Maggie, finishing school, and trying to get everything together for the Christmas season (which is very hard when you are over 35 weeks pregnant). Here is a run down of our Christmas!

On December 7th, we went to my Dad and Dee's house. I was 35 weeks that day! Talk about laughing in the face of danger. We opened presents with my parents and just had a good time being together as a family. On Sunday when we left, Sophie stayed for the week (Wow! That was a long week!). She did great...Klint and I, not so much! We were ready for our little girl to be home. Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Loving on Nicole!

My new pots! I love them!

Sophie's big present from my Dad and Dee!

My dad has such a sense of humor!

The Monday after we left, I had a baby shower with my co-workers from school. It was a lot of fun and I got some really cute things. Maggie got a carseat canopy, a fur coat, a cute outfit and we got some gift cards! A sweet lady at work also got a gift for Sophie so she wouldn't feel left out. I work with the best family and girl could ask for. That following Sunday, we had another shower at church for Maggie. We got diapers, wipes, gift cards, a nice swaddle blanket, and my diaper pail. My friend Chelsea made a banner for Maggie for her room (pictures to come in my post on Maggie's nursery). It was a good shower!

School got out the 19th and we hung around and caught up on grocery shopping (and freezer meals) and finished Christmas shopping. On the 23rd, we made our Santa cookies. We have done this every year starting with Sophie's second Christmas. I have always struggled with the cookies losing their shape. This year I found a recipe on Pinterest and it worked. The link to the recipe is here. I do recommend you have plenty of time to make the cookies. I didn't read all the way through and you are supposed to freeze the dough for a little while and I didn't do this and it made my dough really sticky. I will do this differently next year. The cookies were really good though and held their shape. Here are some pictures from our baking!

37 weeks!

The belly gets in the way of everything!

 On Christmas Eve, we went to Valdosta to see my grandma and Klint's parents. I always love visiting with my grandma and my aunts because I feel closest to my mom when I am with them. My grandma gave us some homemade jelly, pecans, and box of sugar free chocolate (for Klint). She spoils us! We gave my aunts and grandma handmade ornaments with Santa on them. It was a Pinterest idea and I didn't take a picture, but when I get one I will post it. We then went to Klint's parents to open presents. Sophie got the castle she has wanted forever, the movie Brave (which we have watched all Christmas day), and other cute things. Here are a few pictures.

Last Christmas as the only girl in Klint's family and only child in ours!

Today, we stayed home, something we have never done on Christmas day in forever. But with Maggie's arrival looming in the near future we decided to stay off of the road (plus the weather is nasty) and have a family Christmas. I made ham, hash brown casserole, my mom's broccoli casserole and a pecan praline cake which was amazing (recipe is here)! We then took naps and just hung out as a family which leads me to here writing my blog. Here are some pictures from this morning.
She got her princess dress and...

She got her monster truck!

It was a good Christmas and we feel truly blessed this year! We can't wait to see what they upcoming new year hold and we have our fingers crossed Maggie is here to help us welcome it in!


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