Sunday, November 18, 2012

Sophie's Big Girl Room...covered in Peruvian Pom Pom!

While we were on vacation this summer, I started looking for a bedding set for Sophie's room. I wanted to find something that would grow with her. I didn't want to have to change her room in 2 years. I found a cute set in the same colors as her nursery set, pink and green! We finally got a chance to start working on her room in October...nothing like procrastination and a busy schedule.

We took Sophie to Lowe's with us to get the paint. We kept wanting to do a light pink, but Sophie wasn't having it. She wanted a dark pink. The girl behind the counter helped us match up her bedding with the perfect shade of pink...Peruvian Pom Pom.

After Sophie's nap, we proceeded to paint. Pink is not an easy color to paint, especially when you are painting over two different colors and one is a dark red color. But we did it with only two and a half coats. Here are some pictures of Sophie getting in on the painting action.

Klint was a good sport about the pink! He is the best.

We finished painting Sunday afternoon and got her room put together while she napped. Here are a few pictures of her room.

Pinterest curtains....these were not my favorite, but once I ironed them a little and put them in the dryer one more time, they hung a lot better and are really cute now!

Her bedding....Love love love it!

So much more room! I have the stuff to hang over her bed, I just haven't had the time.

French Memo Board I made! I couldn't find the exact tutorial I used, but here is one that is similar. The difference is I used a canvas and I sewed my buttons on. I just couldn't find a board I liked and this was really easy to make. I am going to do one for Maggie too.

I have most of her toys in her closet. I love this because there is less clutter on the floor, but the downside is that her closet stays open all the time! But it is nice to shut the doors and the mess away when we have company.

Ahhh! The shelf was my mom's. I plan to stain it or paint it this summer when I am allowed to do that stuff again. 

Her kitchen fits in here and we still have plenty of room! So glad to get that out of the living room. Don't the curtains look better in this picture than the first one? So glad I didn't give up on them.

My little monkey jumping on the bed!

Sophie loves her new room with her big bed! She still gets confused and thinks that Maggie's room is her room, but she is learning. It will be easier once we get Maggie's room done I am sure! I will post more pictures when we are finished with it completely!

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