Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rock Ranch: Pumpkin Smashing!

When we went to Atlanta, in early November, we went to a place called Rock Ranch in Barnesville, GA. It is a big ranch owned by Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A. I am not sure of the premise behind this place. I think they do something during the Fall season everyday. The day went went, they were having a pumpkin smashing day. They were doing everything they could to destroy pumpkins. Here are a few pictures of the day and what all they offered.
Waiting on the hayride

They had a  pumpkin cannon, a monster truck, and cranes you could drop pumpkins from.

 The girls fished for awhile...not sure there were fish in the pond...

Me and my dad

Monster trucks during lunch

Underground slide

Pony Rides

30 weeks pregnant! I was a tired mama!

Funnel CAKES!!! Yummy!

They also had zip lines, corn mazes, a train, a petting zoo, bounce houses, a small town, and lots of other stuff. I recommend going, but just expect a lot of waiting in lines and a lot of walking!

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