Monday, January 20, 2014

Celebrating Maggie (All Month Long!)

January has been a birthday month for Maggie. Her birthday was actually the fourth, but we celebrated three different times for her special day. Here is how we celebrated!

December 30, 2013: 
My parents stopped through on their way to Florida. Since they were going to be out of town for her actual party, we had a little party with just them and us. Dee bought a cake and we ordered BBQ for lunch. It was a fun little day. Maggie really enjoyed the cake and being the center of attention.


Dee and Dad bought her a Minnie Mouse stuffed animal. Maggie loves stuffed animals. She loves to hug them and pat them and rock them....sweet little mama!

January 4, 2014
Maggie's actual birthday! We had a pretty low key day around the house. For dinner that night we made spaghetti and had a cake for Maggie! It was a fun night and she enjoyed her special dinner...the cake especially!

Sophie's and my decorating skills! We can bling up a cake! :)

Spaghetti Mouth


January 11, 2014 (Maggie's Birthday Party)
I went back and looked at an album on Facebook and realized my original due date was the 11th...thought that was strange...anyway...

The day was a horrible weather wise! It flooded. Anyone that has been to our neighborhood knows it is notorious for flooding and holding water on the way in. We were a little worried with the torrential downpours we had, but, alas, it didn't flood. 

We decided to do an Elmo themed party since Maggie loves Elmo. I don't understand it, but she loves him! My friend, Jaime, bought her a CD with Elmo singing to her and he says her name. She was dancing and laughing at it. She just LOVES Elmo! 

Most of my ideas came from Pinterest. (What would I do without it?) Here are a few of the ideas I stole!

Goldfish Party Favors and Elmo Vegetable Tray

We got the cake from Wal-Mart. It was wonderful! They also did a smash cake, which I think is new since we just got a Publix and they have always given a free smash cake. 

Before we gave Maggie her cake, Klint said a few words about how it is amazing she is here and gave everyone a brief history of our journey with Maggie. So sweet and I of course was crying and Klint had a few tears, though he blamed his on the dry air at the front of the room...he he! It was a very sweet moment.

I love this picture! Maggie was digging in and Sophie and her friend, Justin, were having a good time running around her. A very carefree party!

We opened gifts next! The rocking chair was a gift from Klint, Sophie, and me. Maggie loves a rocking chair!

The picture below shows her outfit. I got it off of Etsy. Love Etsy!!!

We had a great day! Can't believe our baby is 1!
These were the favors for the grownups! A year in pictures taken by our favorite photographer, Hope Baldwin!

 photo Signature1.jpg

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