Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Projects for Baby Maggie

So, I feel I am a little wiser and a little more practical. I have started learning to sew a little and decided to sew some things for Maggie. I also looked up how to make a wipe case and a few other things. Here are a few pictures of what I made.
I made a changing pad. I am not crazy about the ones that come with diaper bags. They never seem long enough or very soft. So I wanted one that was long and wide. The original one had a pocket for diapers, but I wasn't thrilled with how it looked or functioned so I took it off and redid it. I like it a lot better now and it is still long and wide enough that they don't have to touch the yucky changing table!

The diaper case tutorial I used is here.

This is a diaper case. I didn't really have a pattern for it. I just used a diaper as a guide for the size and went with it. It turned out really cute!

My coordinating set...and my feet...I can't really see them now when I look down...he he!

I also decided to tackle making a diaper bag. I didn't do it by myself. I just wasn't that confident in my abilities yet. I asked my friend, Chelsea, to help me and she agreed no questions asked! So thankful for her help. I wanted a black diaper bag. Something that would hide dirt and would go with anything. I did add some color to the outside with a few accents and the inside is hot pink!  The tutorial we used is here.

We used tissue paper to make our pattern. Of course all I had was glitter tissue paper...

The final product! Love!

I still bought another diaper bag, a Kalencom, that I found on sale in Atlanta. I love Kalencom diaper bags. They hold up and they they stay really clean on the outside because of the covering on the fabric. I recommend checking out Kalencom if you are looking for a diaper bag. They also come with a changing pad, a zipper pouch, and bottle holder.
MIDI Coated Buckle Bag
My diaper bag!

I was working on burp cloths when my sewing machine died....hopefully I can get them finished before she gets here! I love being crafty for my baby! Can't wait to try making matching outfits for my girls. Maybe that will be a summer project!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Christmas Time at the Guess House!

We decorated the house yesterday for Christmas! We figured since Princess the Elf, our Elf on the Shelf, showed yesterday morning it was time to get the rest of it done. This late in my pregnancy, I am getting pretty miserable pretty fast and though I would love to go all out like we normally do, I am just not feeling it like I have in the past. We did the basics! We put up Sophe's tree, our main Christmas tree, and I decorated the dining room a little. We still look festive, but it isn't over done! 

We have really tried to do a lot with Sophie this week since we know our time is limited being a family of three. We made last night a big deal and made cookies and listened to Christmas music. She was loving all the Christmas stuff being put up. She really liked decorating her tree. It is hard to think that this will be our last Christmas as a family of 3!  Here are a few pictures from our night of decorating!

Hanging Sophie's "Big Sister" ornament on her tree!

33 weeks pregnant! Sophie loves those glasses! She would wear them all the time if she could! 

Klint got the tree put up while we worked on Sophie's

We did take the pumpkins down!

My daredevil climbing the step stool!

Almost done... I didn't hang all of our ornaments like I normally do because A) I was tired and B) I wanted to hang the ones that were most important to us on the tree. I hung the ones that we have acquired in our seven years together, and we have gotten a very nice collection going!

You would think that he did all the work!

We still have the outside to do, but we aren't doing all the lights like we did last year. Trying to go simple since we will have a new baby when it is time to take it all down. Can't believe we have less than 7 weeks for Miss Maggie to get here!

Monday, November 19, 2012

An Impromptu Ultrasound

My mornings consist of waking up to a jumping belly and feeling very nauseated! Maggie moves and kicks so much I just feel sick which is usually my cue to get out of bed. This morning was no different, except my whole stomach hurt. It felt almost like contractions, which Braxton Hicks contractions are not out of the realm of possibility at this point I have read. Once I got up and started moving I felt better and just thought it was my normal nausea.

Around 1:00 this afternoon, I felt horrible. I was so nauseated, my stomach was hurting again, and I was in tears! I called the doctor and they wanted to see me. I left school and all I really wanted to do was go to bed, but I also wanted to make sure that Maggie and I were okay (which I wasn't too worried about her because she moved the whole time). I got to the doctor at 2:00 and wasn't seen until a little after 4:00. Let me tell you, you can learn all kinds of things by sitting in a waiting room for that long. The big thing I learned is that it is okay for your stomach to hang out the bottom of your shirt in 60 degree weather. (I know maternity clothes are expensive, but a big t-shirt isn't that much). I also learned that it is okay to fall asleep in a waiting room and snore as loud as you can! Can you tell I was a little frustrated by the time I went back?

I saw the nurse practitioner who I really like. She checked me and said I was not dilated at all....that was a relief! They then put me on the monitors and checked for contractions. At first, Maggie moved and grooved and was doing good, and then she just stopped! Her heart rate was great, but she just quit moving. They said she just went to sleep, which is not a stretch because I was about asleep myself at this point. They did an ultrasound just to check her, but the NP was sure she was fine. I also didn't register any contractions (YAY!).

Maggie was perfect. They did 8 test to check her and she scored an 8 out of 8. I thought she looked huge and the tech said she was definitely a good size (I am measuring a week ahead of where I should be). I got a good shot of her mouth. She has the same mouth as Sophie. I am pretty sure they are going to look pretty similar. We got a good shot of her profile too and they verified once again she is definitely a girl! Here are some of the pictures.

Maggie's face

Look at those lips!

My sweet baby girl!

The NP told me that the pain I am feeling is just Maggie moving around and pushing. I am sure that is a lot of it. When I got home and changed clothes, I noticed a bruise on my side in a place that it is hard to bruise. It was also where I have hurt most of the day. I think she busted a blood vessel...just call me Bella from Twilight (minus the vampire baby daddy and drinking blood to make myself feel better). So, in a nutshell, I have got a long miserable 8 weeks ahead of me, but I honestly wouldn't trade it for anything!


Sunday, November 18, 2012

Rock Ranch: Pumpkin Smashing!

When we went to Atlanta, in early November, we went to a place called Rock Ranch in Barnesville, GA. It is a big ranch owned by Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-fil-A. I am not sure of the premise behind this place. I think they do something during the Fall season everyday. The day went went, they were having a pumpkin smashing day. They were doing everything they could to destroy pumpkins. Here are a few pictures of the day and what all they offered.
Waiting on the hayride

They had a  pumpkin cannon, a monster truck, and cranes you could drop pumpkins from.

 The girls fished for awhile...not sure there were fish in the pond...

Me and my dad

Monster trucks during lunch

Underground slide

Pony Rides

30 weeks pregnant! I was a tired mama!

Funnel CAKES!!! Yummy!

They also had zip lines, corn mazes, a train, a petting zoo, bounce houses, a small town, and lots of other stuff. I recommend going, but just expect a lot of waiting in lines and a lot of walking!

Sophie's Big Girl Room...covered in Peruvian Pom Pom!

While we were on vacation this summer, I started looking for a bedding set for Sophie's room. I wanted to find something that would grow with her. I didn't want to have to change her room in 2 years. I found a cute set in the same colors as her nursery set, pink and green! We finally got a chance to start working on her room in October...nothing like procrastination and a busy schedule.

We took Sophie to Lowe's with us to get the paint. We kept wanting to do a light pink, but Sophie wasn't having it. She wanted a dark pink. The girl behind the counter helped us match up her bedding with the perfect shade of pink...Peruvian Pom Pom.

After Sophie's nap, we proceeded to paint. Pink is not an easy color to paint, especially when you are painting over two different colors and one is a dark red color. But we did it with only two and a half coats. Here are some pictures of Sophie getting in on the painting action.

Klint was a good sport about the pink! He is the best.

We finished painting Sunday afternoon and got her room put together while she napped. Here are a few pictures of her room.

Pinterest curtains....these were not my favorite, but once I ironed them a little and put them in the dryer one more time, they hung a lot better and are really cute now!

Her bedding....Love love love it!

So much more room! I have the stuff to hang over her bed, I just haven't had the time.

French Memo Board I made! I couldn't find the exact tutorial I used, but here is one that is similar. The difference is I used a canvas and I sewed my buttons on. I just couldn't find a board I liked and this was really easy to make. I am going to do one for Maggie too.

I have most of her toys in her closet. I love this because there is less clutter on the floor, but the downside is that her closet stays open all the time! But it is nice to shut the doors and the mess away when we have company.

Ahhh! The shelf was my mom's. I plan to stain it or paint it this summer when I am allowed to do that stuff again. 

Her kitchen fits in here and we still have plenty of room! So glad to get that out of the living room. Don't the curtains look better in this picture than the first one? So glad I didn't give up on them.

My little monkey jumping on the bed!

Sophie loves her new room with her big bed! She still gets confused and thinks that Maggie's room is her room, but she is learning. It will be easier once we get Maggie's room done I am sure! I will post more pictures when we are finished with it completely!