Sunday, April 1, 2012

Sophie Rae's 3 Year Old Pics!

I still am in shock that I am the mother to a 3 year-old! She has completely changed our lives and we can't imagine her not being here! Our photographer is Hope Baldwin. She has taken Sophie pictures since she was about 8 months old! We absolutely love her! She is in Nashville, TN now, but makes the trip down to see family when she can and she squeezes in a few clients while she is here! We are blessed to know her and have her as a friend and photographer!

Here are a few of her pics!
Love this face!

I painted this sign for her room before she was born!

Looking like her daddy!
Love this little girl!
1 year old
2 years old
3 years old

Two other places to see Hopes work are here and here! I am not sure they have been updated in awhile, but it can give you a sample. The best way to get in touch with her is through Facebook! Tell her I sent you...he he!

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